Gabriele Halder

Profession: Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Affiliation: Familienplanungszentrum Berlin (FPZ), Berlin

Gabriele Halder ist Fachärztin für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, Stellvertretende Vorstandsvorsitzende → Familienplanungszentrum Berlin (FPZ) - BALANCE Berlin e.V. und Leiterin des medizinischen Instituts des FPZ. Sie ist Mitglied der Ärztekammer Berlin.

Sie war massgeblich an der Organisation des letzten FIAPAC-Kongresses in Berlin beteiligt.


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    Medical abortion in the private practice,

    Gabriele Halder

    Specialist in OB/Gyne

    Working in private practice

    Head of the Family Planning Centre Berlin


    This presentation gives you an overview and in depth analysis about induced medical abortion with the abortion pill Mifegyne© ( Mifepristone ) and the Prostaglandin Cytotec© ( Misoprostol) in practical experience  as a practicing gynaecologist.

    The description of the problems in Germany in terms of having to deal with the german federal law and the regulations about the specific distribution channels of the abortion pill is considered as well as the increased requirements in the fields of care and consulting service for the female patients.

    The complexity in practice and the fact that in Germany the existence of prohibition for advertisment of induced abortions in general is another hurdle for the application of Mifegyne©. This is one section of the many reasons why last year 2003 only a percentage of 6,12 % of all induced abortions in Germany were done the non -surgical way.